Saturday, March 7, 2009

Petsafe Classic Pet Door

Puddy sleeps A LOT. He needs to, because when he's awake, he's a lunatic. He races around the house, knocking over plants, terrorizing the cat, sending blankets flying on the beds, careening into furniture, skidding across tile and wood floors, and so forth. And when he takes a moment to look out the window, he invariably sees something to which he must address himself NOW. At this point, he launches himself off whatever piece of furniture on which he's been perched, and sprints for the door, skidding to a stop a little too late to avoid crashing into it. But we changed all that last week with the introduction of a Petsafe Classic Pet Door. Now, Puddy's not terribly bright and it took him awhile to get the point. He'd still keep skidding to a stop at the door, not realizing that the new pet door allows him to go right through. We had to physically introduce him to the concept, over and over. But then something clicked and he now jets through that thing like a hot knife through butter. Woe be to the unfortunate soul standing just outside at one of these moments - they haven't a chance.

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